Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Kiss of the Sun

BY Nancy Janiola IN No comments

Excessive exposure to sunlight can cause skin cancer as well as premature wrinkling and aging of the skin. In proper amounts however, the sun's rays can be good for your health.

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 What are some of the good things about sunlight?

A lot!

To begin with, sunlight kills germs. That's why it is important to sun and air out blankets, quilts and other items that are not washed regularly and sterilized in an automatic  dryer.

Proper amount of sun also give the skin a healthy glow and help make it smooth and pliable. A moderately tanned skin is resistant to infections and sunburns that untanned skin.

Sunlight also elevates the mood of most people, producing a sense of well-being. Combined with active exercise, sunshine is an important adjunct in treating acute and chronic depressions. Remember, when depressed during cold and gloomy months, try to catch any possible ray of sunshine.

Sunlight also helps:

  • enhance the immune system

  • alleviate pain from swollen arthritic joints

  • relieve certain symptoms of PMS

  • some reports suggest that sunlight may also help lower blood cholesterol levels.