Friday, June 08, 2018

General Tips for Preventing Ingrown Toenails

BY Nancy Janiola IN , No comments

Image by Google 1. Keep toenails at a moderate length and trim them right across. Nails that are rounded have a higher chance of growing into the skin around the toes, creating problems. Use toenail clippers or nail scissors to trim toenails. Ordinary nail clippers are small enough that they tend to leave sharp edges near the corner of the toenail. Optimally, try to...

Tuesday, September 08, 2015

Effective Homemade Beauty Tips for Fair Skin

BY Nancy Janiola IN No comments

When someone's skin complexion is pretty white and you can see the veins in his/her body, it is said that the person's skin is fair. Generally, there are many reasons for fairness of skin. Although it could be genetics, one can also become fairer by taking simple home remedies. Honey image by Google Honey is one of the best methods of getting fair skin. Just get a teaspoon...

Monday, April 14, 2014

Learning How to Smile

BY Nancy Janiola IN 1 comment

When you are building the habit of smiling, try doing it in different ways. One way that smiling is taught is through the "VOWEL METHOD". Look at yourself in the mirror. Now with a smile, say the vowel -- A, E, I, O, U. You will notice that: A -- comes a friendly, amused smile E -- is the greeting smile I -- is the laughing smile O -- is the shy smile U -- is the casual...

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Throwback Tuesday: Cheesy Bangus Spring Rolls: Perfect Lenten Season Recipe

BY Nancy Janiola IN , No comments

I so love spring rolls. Do you? Okay if that's a yes, then here's one easy perfect dish we can all together prepare for this coming Lenten Season courtesy of Sarap ng Buhay by Kraft Eden. They call it Cheesy Bangus Spring Rolls.Click image to see the recipe of this oh so yummy treat.I'm privileged to have been invited to joined Kraft Eden's biggest event last year - breaking...