Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Myth or Fact

BY Nancy Janiola IN 14 comments

Myth or Fact! The 7 DON’T’s after meal according to health experts.

1. DON'T SMOKE - fact: the bad effect of smoking cigarette becomes ten times worse. The natural bodily absorption rate following a meal is heightened, magnifying the ill-effects of tobacco (nicotine) on our system.

2. DON'T EAT FRUITS IMMEDIATELY - myth: this will cause the stomach to bloat with air. This is not true. Fruits improve our digestion. However, there are people who have some degree of intolerance to fruits (fructose intolerance), who will have the sense of bloating after ingestion of fruits. In general, eating fruits right after a meal is good and well-tolerated by the body.

3. DON'T DRINK TEA - fact: it is high in tannic acid and would harden the protein and make it difficult to digest...But the rest of the statement is false. Tea, as a matter of fact, improves our digestion. It is a tonic that invigorates the brain, speeds up the circulation, and makes the stomach digest food easier.

4. DON'T LOOSEN YOUR BELT - this will cause your intestines to twist and get blocked up. The first part of the statement is a sound advice, but not for the reason given. Not loosening your belt after a meal makes you more conscious that your stomach is full enough, so you do not overeat. Also, the "normal tightness" of the belt provides one a natural "suck-in-the-abdomen technic" of controlling your waistline. It has been shown that sucking in the abdomen does help prevent "bulging waistlines," since sucking in the belly is nothing but an exercise to contract the muscles of the abdomen. The part about intestinal twisting and obstruction is false.

5. DON'T BATHE AFTER MEAL - myth: this will weaken the digestion. While taking a bath (especially a warm one) will divert some blood from the stomach to the skin, taking a bath after a meal will not significantly impair digestion. The general rule is: after a meal, do not do strenuous activities that will divert a lot of the blood away from the stomach, which needs "enough" blood for digestion. What's enough for one person may be different from another individual's physiologic need.

6. DON'T WALK AFTER MEAL - myth: the digestive system will be unable to absorb the food. Walking or strolling after a meal is not bad at all. It will help burn up some calories without significantly diverting blood from the stomach. Only strenuous physical and mental activities are discouraged immediately after a meal.

7. DON'T SLEEP IMMEDIATELY - food will not be digested properly and will lead to gastric infection. The first part is true: it is not healthy to sleep with a full stomach. Not that it will cause "bangungot" or pancreatitis (as another myth claims), but gastric distention can lead to some heart irregularity in some people. Habitually sleeping immediately after a meal will also increase the tendency to obesity. As far as gastric infection is concerned, that claim is false.


Lakwatsera Mom said...

That' a heads-up post regarding myths... I dont personally believe in this myths..I always check they are true

Sionee said...

uh oh I am actually aware of those donts but unfortunately i'm sooooo guilty because I do most of those 7. hahaha :) thanks for sharing this, Nancy! :)

kay said...

These are good tips ... some I am guilty of ... some I am not. This at least validates what I know ...

promking said...

a basta ako, i will eat.


masarap kumain. sometimes lang talaga, hindi mo maiiwasan magkaron ng activities right after eating. dapat talaga iwasan yun.

joy said...

i always do no. 7, i get very sleepy when my stomach get full with what i eat, so i just eat a little for my eyes not to get droopy lol

Gil Camporazo | RandomThoughts! said...

In the first place in considering a certain idea, whether it is a fact or myth, the actual practice, the medical study or experiment must be given weight. Common practice or tradition is not a guarantee that idea is effective. Every individual has different physiological function. That's my point.

Gemma said...

Prevention is better than cure! Best to be always in moderation... A friend just had her appendix removed, funny, but initial "thinking" was maybe because walked after eating - NOT! :)

Jenny O'Toole said...

Here are my own thoughts.
1. Facts: Smoking is dangerous to your health.
2. Facts: Eating fruit is good. And should have it after the main course settled in your belly.
3. Facts: Agree! Learnt that from the Brits. They have tea or coffee after pudding.
4. I have no idea. That's a Fact!
5. Facts: Absolutely rubbish!

I'm just trying to be funny Nancy.
Fables and legend.
Myths or Facts,
true or false.
No matter what it is;
Superstitious is part of our lives.

yuuki said...

i only follow the last one, but for smoking (i don't smoke) my friends say it helps them loose weight (another myth maybe)...

Bien Nonoy said...

great advice here...some can really be helpful

tess said...

their all myths and obviously some of those are obviously from the old folks belief. I do love to drink hot tea and coffee after meal.

chrisair said...

I also drink tea or coffee after a meal but a fellow in MP5 says its not good to drink tea aftr a mealand now I am confused

ralph said...

"Walking or strolling after a meal is not bad at all. It will help burn up some calories without significantly diverting blood from the stomach." they say you'll get appendicitis when doing this... i say it's a myth... nice info. Yahweh bless.

rj's mama said...

very informative post, I remember watching a biggest loser show when the trainor said that it's better to eat right after a workout for faster metabolism