Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Missing Billy Blank's TaeBo Workout

BY Nancy Janiola IN 2 comments

Boredom usually takes me to the malls where I can unwind and do what I want without noticing how time flies. While making my way to the nearest mall from where I lived before, I spotted Billy Blanks' Tae Bo from one of the CD/DVD vendors along the sidewalk. Anywhere you go during those times, people are talking about it. I got interested, bought a copy and as soon as I got home I turned the video on and watch it myself. From then on, it became my morning ritual. It was a bit tough but I love the way it challenged me till I get myself used to it and do it the right way.

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One good form of cardiovascular workout I have found and proved myself was Billy Blanks' motivating, butt-kicking and heart-pounding TaeBo. It is a high-energy combination of karate, aerobics, boxing and dance, complete with pulsating music and a repeating eight-count. There are some downsides, however as with any high impact aerobics exercise, TaeBo places stress on the body. If done incorrectly, it also can do extensive damage to your muscles. By starting out slowly and progressing gradually, though, you can help reduce these negative effects. Just like using thule ski racks I wish there’s a way to do it easier but as an old adage goes, “nothing worthwhile is ever easy”.

I miss TaeBo. I haven’t been doing it since I made way for running months ago but I should find time to fit in to my timetable one of these days.


Tom Bennett said...

In real life, though, I am often tempted and okay, once, at a video rental store I found myself doing the forward 3X jab punch down the Family Entertainment ilse. That was to impress my brother. I think it worked.

Elias V. Little said...

When I first got Tae Bo and did the basic tape, I didn't understand what all the excitement was about or why everyone seemed to LOVE this video set. It annoyed me that Billy did everything opposite and his nipples peeking out of his bright blue spandex suit were over the top for me. ha! HOWEVER, I recently decided to give Tae Bo another try. I did the basic tape about three times a week for 2 or 3 weeks, and I found myself enjoying it more and more every time. I think part of the reason I didn't like it initially is because I didn't have the leg strength to do some of the work! It is very intense.