Monday, August 26, 2013

Absolute NO(s) and YES(s) on Weight-Maintenance Stage

BY Nancy Janiola IN No comments

So you successfully did it! Thanks to all those strenuous workout sessions at the gym, the regular walk at the park, the helpful articles, weight loss programs and tips from the web and most importantly, the discipline. Integrating utmost discipline in your weight loss program is like being dedicated to everything that you do in life such as waking up each morning to make it to your biometric time clock system operated job on time.

So you have now reached your goal -  your desired weight, that is. The next and final stop... the maintenance stage.

According to nutritionists, no given meal should exceed a total accumulated value of 3 during the weight maintenance stage. Observe the following rules to help you slim and lean.

  • Always choose "good" carbohydrates over "bad" carbohydrates

  • Never combine "bad carbohydrates with lipids (fats) in the same meal

  • Eat fiber-rich food at every meal

  • Eat a lot of protein, choosing foods that are high in protein and low in fat

These four rules are the bases of the weight-maintenance stage - or perhaps it's best to say they are the bases of your eating habits for the rest of your life! If you follow these rules, you can be assure that you won't regain the weight that you've successfully lost.

Absolute NOs

No Alcohol/ No Fried Foods
No Processed Foods / No Smoked Foods
No Coffee / No Refined Flour Products
No Sweet (pastries, etc) /No Dairy Products
No Nuts/ No Chocolates
No Sugar/ No Soft Drinks

Absolute YES'

Broiling/ Baking
Grilling/ Fish and Chicken (skinless)
Fresh Fruits/ Complex Carbohydrates
Green Leafy Vegetables/ Drink lots of Water
Low Salt Foods/ Whole Grains
Herbal Teas/ Natural Organic Supplements

Remember, attaining your ideal weight was all worth the effort it took, so don't let what you have worked for so hard to go to waste. Having the ideal weight that is dreamed by many means more energy, guilt-free feeling and above all more success and achievement.