Friday, August 30, 2013

How Far Would You Go to Look Beautiful?

BY Nancy Janiola No comments

Once I was invited by a friend to come along with her to visit a skin care clinic during one of her facial treatment sessions. While waiting for her, the attendants was so kind to tour me around the clinic and I was so amazed upon staring at each beauty equipments I saw inside.In one of the rooms, I've thrown an inquisitive look at a cylinder-shaped cubicles with bulbs attached to its walls. "Those are the vertical tanning beds" pointing at the equipments, the lady says before I could even open my mouth to ask. This bed is designed to achieve a more even and much faster tanning result.

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At the other side of the clinic I got to see a Microdermabrasion equipment. Microdermabrasion treatments are a gentle and painless method of exfoliating the skin on the face or body that has rapidly become widely utilized for a variety of cosmetic objectives,including the improvement of photoaging, hyperpigmentation, acne, scars and stretch marks.

Amazing! I've heard about all of these treatments and surgical procedures to meet one's desired look but that was the only time I've ever came across with such real technology-driven and a truly state-of-the art beauty equipments.Standards of beauty and practices had truly changed. A lot of people especially women are attempting to modify their physical appearances to conform cultural ideals of beauty. That is why the growth of beauty industry is evident nowadays. When you go to major cities and large malls in your places, there lies the sophisticated and distinctively designed beauty clinics as well as salon and spa centers.

What about you? How far would you go to look “beautiful” and what is your concept for beauty?