Often I browse the web for tips and guides on how to do this and that. I got this thing I have been doing for a long time and don't even know how it's called until I've read signs of compulsive procrastination. Here, let me quote some of them - things that I exactly do when such situation strikes me.
You are compulsively procrastinating when...
1. You get a sudden strong desire to make a 3rd cup of coffee or to grab a snack
2. You become easily annoyed by clutter on your desk and without a further “adieu” you start cleaning out the drawers
3. You check your mail box every half an hour, so you will not miss an important email.
4. You have 20 tabs opened on your computer and probably including behringer b1800x.
5. Something “highly” urgent comes up and you feel that you must put everything else on hold.
Procrastinating is sure not a fun thing to do but Arina's Self Help Blog has it - fun ways to overcome procrastination.
Such an awesome read!
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