Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Gum Disease

BY Nancy Janiola IN , 4 comments

Gum disease is treatable especially if it is taken care of early. It is not something that can be ignored and will just go away. It will just get worse without proper treatment, eventually leading to the loss of your teeth. Not only are your gums being infected when you have gum disease, but also the bones that are holding your teeth in place.

Have you had more than the normal discomfort of a toothache? Do your gums look swollen, red, or bleed? This is probably the beginning of gingivitis which is usually caused by not having regular cleaning of your teeth.

It is definitely time to call your dentist and make an appointment. With the help of dental treatment and keeping your teeth and gums cleaned, this gum disease can be avoided. You can have healthy gums and teeth if you act quickly.


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